Tuesday, 12 January 2016

New Tool

Yesterday my Tascam DR-22WL arrived. (I like how Tascam persist with the "DR" identification codes. I think people have forgotten that it stands for "Doctor Rhythm", which makes their products sound like sex toys.)

So now I can do live recording and field recording. I'm mobile. I can start to think about collaborations, sound collages and ambient backgrounds. That's where, hopefully, things get more interesting.

I've already started recording sounds from my daily life. One thing that's already hard to miss is just how noisy my world is, and how far (to return to my recurrent theme) it's dominated by machines. Here's a recording of me waiting to be picked up for work from Coventry train station at 7:30am.

And here's a snippet of a recording from the supermarket used to punch-up A Message from the Bourgeoisie. The track is still just a throwaway piece of weirdness, but I honestly think the field recording improves things - it lets in another layer of meaning. Well, okay, a first layer of meaning.


  1. The 'Doctor' is sounding pretty good Philip

    1. Ta. I'm still getting to grips with it (another learning curve!) but it's certainly a nifty bit of kit.
